Monday, November 11, 2019


Located at Group 12 and Period 4 is another transition metal. This is Zinc.
The element zinc was discovered in Germany in 1746 by Andrea Marggraf by heating calamine with charcoal.Although Zinc compounds have been used for at least 2,500 years in the production of brass, zinc wasn't recognized as a distinct element until much later. Metallic zinc was first produced in India sometime in the 1400s by heating the mineral calamine with wool.  Today, must zinc is produced through the electrolysis  of aqueos zinc sulfate
Image result for zinc sulphate
Zinc Sulphate

Roughly one third of all metallic zinc produced today is used in a process known as galvanization. During galvanization, an object that is subject to corrosion, such as an iron nail, is given a protective coating of zinc. The zinc can be applied to an object by dipping it in a  pool of molten zinc, but it is most often applied through an electroplating process. Sacrificial zinc anodes are used in cathodic protection systems to protect exposed iron from corrosion. Metallic zinc is also used make to dry cell batteries, roof cladding and die castings

Atomic number:30
Element name: Zinc
Element Latin name: Zincum
Electrons per shell: [2, 8 , 18 , 2]
Density:7.14 g/cm3
Discoverer: Andreas Marggraf
Isolator: 64, 66, 67, 68, 70
Melting Point:419.53 celsius, 787.15 fahrenheit
Boiling Point: 907 celsius, 1665 fahrenheit
Element atomic mass:65.38 u

Chemical properties:
Isotopes : Zinc- 66: protons: 30
Zinc - 66
electrons 30
( Half Life : Stable )
Zinc - 67:protons:30
( Half Life : Stable )
Zinc - 68:protons:30

( Half Life : Stable )
Does not react with nitrogen
cov­ered with a dull gray coat­ing (zinc ox­ide)
Zinc also re­acts with oth­er sub­stances: halo­gens, oxy­gen, chalco­gens,
al­ka­lis, acids, ammonium and ammonia salts
Image result for zinc
Zinc Oxide
Physical properties:
Good heat conductor 
conductor of electricity
Electron per shell: 2, 8 , 18 , 2
Where did it get its name:
German alchemist name Paracelsus named the metal zinc. It either
comes from the German word "zinke" meaning spiked

  • Zinc is used by some people to help with the common cold or
lung infections, malaria, or asthma. It may help with wound
healing, ulcers, acne and skin infection.
  • Melted zinc is used to prevent iron from rusting, because it is
more reactive than iron. This process is called "Galvanizing" .

How is it discovered?:
Zinc was rediscovered by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf in 1746 by
heating calamine with charcoal.

How is it isolated?:
 These are roasted in industrial plants to form zinc oxide, ZnO.
How is it isolated today?:
reduced with carbon to form zinc metal, but in practice ingenious
technology is required to ensure that the resulting Zinc doesn't contain
oxide impurities

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